Thursday, March 19, 2009

Tag! You're it!

Tag! You're it!

Highly interesting tag. A tad long. My apologies. Oh hell it’s my blog… Apologies duly retracted. LOL !

I have negligible patience. And that’s putting it mildly.I have to wait for someone I’m supposed to be meeting, I pace, I fidget, I fume. Is that because of my inane tendency to turn up before the decided time you ask? I want to try everything. And anything. I want to experience absolutely everything that life has to offer, thrice over, excluding experiences of the narcotic and tobacco kind.

Some things I wish I wasn’t/didn’t:

-I find it excruciatingly difficult to discuss my problems with others. Very often I don’t. If I do, it’s limited to around 2 people whom I confide in. Wish I was more open.
-I’m way too shy. Hence I can’t talk to new people instantly. So often it’s happened that a friend and I are introduced to someone new and while the friend goes on to become
best pals with the stranger in a few minutes, I come across and disinterested and unwilling to speak for quite a while.
-Because of above unwanted habit, I get worried very easily and very often. I think of all possible scary scenarios to a situation and fret about each and every one of them.
-I use the adjective "sexy" way too much. I really need to cut down.
-I forgive. I don’t often forget.
-I am lazy. I procrastinate :(
-My mood is often decided by what other people do or say. And I hate that.

Some things that cross my mind a lot:

-I wonder if I'll have any "friends forever".
-I always seem to be reaching out for something different than what I should be…
-Sometimes I seem to strive to be unhappy but obviously hate it when I am… why the hell?
-I should really stop being so lazy…

Some things I’d like to do before I die:

-Become a film maker and do my dream film STAR.
-Be a famous columnist.
-Start a food court.
-Buy a Benz for my dad.

Turn ons:

-The ability to talk mind boggling nonsense effortlessly
-The ability to handle my moodiness. A rarity, this one.
-Ability to make me want to talk endlessly.

Turn offs:

- Be good to the people lesser than you. Act unnecessarily mean to a little beggar and put an empty chocolate wrapper in her begging bowl and face my wrath.
- Male chauvinism. Blech. It’s everywhere. I seriously hate this to utmost.
- Refusing to accept one’s own mistakes.
- Over-nosiness.
- People who hate cinema.

Ways to win my heart:

- If you have interest towards art,literature and media.
- Mani ratnam fans !!
- Talk to me. Give me something new to think about. T
- Tell me about yourself without overdoing it. Have a genuine desire to know about me, and not just the pretty bits.
- Don’t force your opinion on me. Discuss. Compromise. And keep at it.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Terrorists areTerrorists

Terrorism has no religion.

Yeah this issue is execrable on people. Aspect of a response to mass terrorism that I’d like to discuss in this post:
" the inclination to unfavorably treat those who share characteristics with or bear resemblance to the terrorists,following 9/11 and 7/7, Muslims and those perceived to be Muslim were subject to a pervasive and violent backlash"

With news suggesting that the Mumbai terrorists are Muslim, some are worried that Muslims in India may face a wave of public and/or private harassment and discrimination. For example, a colleague who heads a major civil rights organization in America expressed that he was “praying for victims of [the] Mumbai attack[s] and for Muslims in India.”

It should not have to be this way. A terrorist is a terrorist and has no religion or community.In order to assuage the possibility that Muslims in India will be subject to a backlash, such comments should be repeated by the Indian Politicians. These statements may not, alone, prevent a backlash, but they may help reorient the people’s emotions to more productive and constructive efforts; and they will indicate that, if the people direct their anger towards Muslims, they are doing so on their own accord, not with the government’s command or approval.

" terrorists are terrorists — they are not “Muslim extremists” or “Islamic fundamentalists.” The media, however, has consistently portrayed members of al-Qaeda and other terrorists as Muslims "

While such terminology may be useful for identification purposes, it has the very dangerous effect of conflating “Muslims” with “extremism.”The ordinary public to draw a connection between Muslims and terrorism, and thereby endanger all Muslims by making them a proper target for rage, anger, and suspicion.

A solution would be to identify terrorists as terrorists ,this would not only deny them the religious or nationalistic cover and legitimacy they believe they have, but would also shield millions of innocent members of the Muslim faith from violence, discrimination, and harassment.

My hope, we collectively recognize that terrorists are terrorists, undeserving of the very religious or national identity that under girds their conduct.


Our best friend. Our worst enemy.

Gives us our individuality. Can alienate us.

Gives us our dignity. Yet, can make us lose our dignity instantly.

Makes us stand up for what we think is right. But then again, who the hell says we actually are right?

Can make us an individual to be admired. Can make us an individual to be ridiculed and ignored.

Helps you stick to your beliefs. Can make you stick to your beliefs too rigidly.

Gives us success. Gives us heartache.

Life is too complicated for one enjoy it properly. Bah.

Isn't ego a man made thing anyway? We discovered it. Gave it a name. Psychoanalysed it. Nurtured it. If we hadn't done all that, life would be blissfully less perplexing. Great going...

What can we make ??

We fight for our rights at home for almost everything from late nights to going out with friends. We chat about human rights with our parents, teachers and friends. But child labour?? Child labor is common in some places,sorry in many places of world.

I want to tell you all, my way to avoid and eradicate child labour.

This is a try to say some thing which is more useful than this blog. Please hopefully move forward from here.. I don’t have anything personal against anybody so please don’t take anything that I might say personally.. My only aim is that something constructive takes place at the end of it all..

What can we make ??

1. Don’t employ them. Let them study - Children who work normally cannot afford three meals a day, how can they afford books, uniform and the fees?
2. Give them a livelihood and a proper atmosphere for studies - How would we give them a livelihood and what is a proper atmosphere for studies and how would we achieve it?
3. Removal of poverty - Good, but how?
4. The government is not doing anything. - What are we going to do? Why can’t we force governments to do something about it?
5. Joining politics - Sure, but if we don’t have a plan, how are we going to achieve it?
6. Provide free education - will that alone help given the economic condition of the families? Is this support to NGOs/UNICEF which already have some programmes of this kind or on the grass root level like we ourselves volunteering to teach/provide books, etc on a weekly basis to the immediate society around us?
7. Voting - but what after that? Are we ready to take the govt. to task on such issues? If yes, how?
8. AW-WA - I’m in the dark on this. What is this exactly? How can we help?
9. Charity is not a solution. Removal of inferiority of economic and psychological status. - Anything regarding the inferiority complex of an educated unemployed youth?
10. If its only we who can do something, what are we planning to do?
11. Kids don’t want to study - Is our education system up to the mark? What after studies - unemployment?
12. Eradicate poverty and illiteracy - Cool. How?
13. Take action against institutions who employ children - Why can’t we take it up with the govt. to pass a law on provision of education to children employed by institutions, that way, a win-win situation?
14. Make the rich children work and the poor study - I like the idea, but too idealistic, very impractical.
15. Corruption - Let’s say a law was passed to give 75% (or any other percentage) reservation to those under the poverty line in educational institutions, would others agree? (given the huge uproar against the reservation for backward caste(s) not too long ago) Also, if given, how many of them would return to do something for the upliftment of their own neighbourhoods / how do we ensure that they do? (We certainly can’t prevent brain drain.)
16. Debate?? Exaggerate?? Is this all what this topic is about? If yes, I’m definitely at the wrong place.
17. Social activists, National Commission for Protection of Child Rights - Good. To make the government take notice we need credibility - How many of us are ready to take up the responsibility/collective responsibility.
18. Migration from other states? - Dude, this is our country, our people. And so what if they are from other countries. We should be proud to live in a nation that offers something better than other nations. (Will we say then outsourcing of jobs to India and China is bad?)
19. Stop people in our neighbourhood from employing kids as servants - Would we help around our own house to lessen the load on our parents / will we pay them more if the parents of poor children worked and sent their children to school?

Is this generation going to cry about what cannot be done and repeat the mistakes of past generations? Or are we going to create a more responsible society? We live in probably a golden age of technology and communication - spreading awareness is much easier. Are we up to the task? A revolution is required and not just an awakening. We require a structured, responsible and professional approach. Ideas, implementation within a given time-frame are the need of the hour.

Are we ready? Are we willing?


Well we need to focus on the great issue that every child who is out of school is a child labour, it eradicate this problem we need to go on with “improvement” where its starts from “I” Stop paying to rack pickers or child beggars, instead you can negotiate some social organization near to you for their rehabilitation. If you even cant do it then call at nearby “100? phone No. as child labour is a punishable crime. Well Identify the child labour and Contact at the nearby social organization. Well it also need your support to Improve yourself… Try not to say any filthy language or abusive words for them in front of them it will help them learning good language at least.

Don’t .. think as “India mein Muft Ki advice Bhut milti Hai”… I hope u all have seen the Reliance Mobile Ad.

Not that everyone here are in the category.. but at least we have began and thats really something commendable … So people ..if you don’t have really time to spend on this social activities .
Don't give them money also…Yes it will lead them to be corrupt … better option to give them food .. please .. I think we can do that time in our precious free time’ any time if you see these children feel emotional and please help these kids… not with the money buy something to eat instead.

The Global March Against Child Labour is a movement to mobilise worldwide efforts to protect and promote the rights of all children, especially the right to receive a free, meaningful education and to be free from economic exploitation and from performing any work that is likely to be harmful to the child’s physical, mental, spiritual, moral or social development.


There was a time
When the thoughts would not stop;
Tormenting body, mind and soul.
People wished it wasn't so.

Now things have changed
And peace prevails.
Then why do they wish
For it to return?

You are what you eat

You probably hear that all the time and go "Blech... what nonsense." Admittedly, so do I. But hey what the hell... here's something to prove it.

I like my food with loads of spice, enough to leave me gasping for breath and downing a litre of water at a go, and still continuing to eat after that.

I love chocolate. I love sweets. All to the point that at times I can think I can survive on that alone and nothing else. So much so that I can eat 4 full size bars everyday.

Analogy time.. Here I go...

I think in extremes. If I'm happy, I'm on top of the world, so much so that I make people tease me for being so overjoyed.

If I'm sad, I pretty much couldn't get more depressed, so much so that I worry a lot of people around me.

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